Twitter for Educators: Education Hashtags

#50freecoursesInternational House is celebrating 50 years of providing teacher training by offering 50 FREE IH Teacher Training courses to people around the globe who are currently out of work. See here.
#addcymAddysg Cymru. Platform for Welsh educators. See here.
#aimlangAIM (Accelerative Integrated Method) language teachers here.
#ALevelGCE Advanced Level (A-level) discussions
#andragogyAndragogy (man-leading) – Adult & Vocational Education See here. See also #VocEd.
#artedart education
arts education chat
fortnightly chat hosted by British Council. See here.
platform for ELT in Australia. See here.
platform for British Columbia educators. See here.
Business English Special Interest Group of IATEFL. See here.
highly-recommended blog postings
chat platform for the Brazilians. See here.
join the fight against bullying
new popular words
Cambridge Advanced
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, formerly ‘Certificate in English Language
Teaching to Adults’, hence the acronym.
Content and Language Integrated Learning
comments on students’ posts. See here.
#cpchatConnected Principals. See here.
#cpdcontinuous/continuing professional/personal development. See also #profdev.
#CPECambridge Proficiency
#cybergogyCybergogy – Cybernetics & Education See here
#DELTADiploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
#dheltdemand-high ELT. See here.
#digpeddigital pedagogy. See here.
#DixitLaoDiarmuid Fogarty ‏@Imadruid is back. Follow his condensed Tao Te(a)Ching!
#dogmediscussion on dogme or teaching unplugged
#ealEnglish as an additional language. See here.
#eapEnglish for academic purposes
#earlyedearly education. See #kinderchat
Edublogs retweets of teacher blog posts. See also #blogmust
early childhood education. See also: #earlyed…
educational apps
discussions on educational books, #edbkchat is a good resource for continuing education, Wednesdays at 4pm EST.
Conference Model Built on Collaboration. See here.
global education discussions. See here.
#edchatIEspecially for Irish educators. See here.
#edchatSAchat for the South African education community. See here.
#edtechtechnology for educational purposes
#edtoolsWhy another? Obsolete. Use #edtech
#edutechobsolete. Why use an extra character? Use #edtech
#educationbetter to use #edu, but it’s really too general.
#edupunkresources for DIY approach to technology in education
#elearnI’d suggest using this rather than the longer #elearning
#elemchatplatform for elementary/primary school educators. See here.
#elfEnglish as a lingua franca, but I’m afraid you’ll get lots of other non-related stuff
#ellEnglish language learning
#ellchatEnglish language learning chat platform. See here.
#eltEnglish language teachers/teaching
#eltchatEnglish language teaching discussions. See here.
#eltpicsImages by teachers for teachers. Licensed under Creative Commons. See here.
#eflEnglish as a foreign language
#engchatfor English teachers. See here.
#engplstweets for English learners. Consider using only #twinglish.
#engtwitObsolete. Use #twinglish.
#eslEnglish as a second language
#esolEnglish as a second or other language
#espEnglish for specific purposes
#ETASEnglish teachers association of Switzerland. See here.
#FCECambridge First Certificate
#FFFollow Friday. Used for recommending teachers worth following. Used on Fridays. See #TT
#finnedchatall about Finnish education. See here.
#FLEFrançais comme langue étrangère
#flipchatchat platform for flipped classroom educators. See here.
#flipclassplatform for those interested in the flipped classroom.
#flippedclassroomObsolete. Use the shorter #flipclass. All about the flipped classroom
#gblgame-based learning
#GCSEGeneral Certificate of Secondary Education discussions
#globalclassroomGood for finding global collaboration / connections, sharing #globaled practice. Official chats run monthly over 3 days. Click here for schedule
#GlobalEdsee #education
#GlobalEd12Global education conference 12-16 Nov 2012. See here.
#GeniusHourFollow the hashtag and chat once a month, first Wednesday of the month at 8pm CST, about “genius” learning. Students are given a time period where they can choose what they want to learn–being productive and creative as they learn what they love. See here.
#giftedsee #gtchat
#grammarall to do with English grammar. Although it says ‘grammar’, you’ll see tweets regarding spelling, punctuation, etc.
#gtchatgifted and talented education chat on Fri 12:00 and 19:00 EST. See also #gifted.
#iaskuvideo interviews with teachers. See here.
#IATEFLInternational Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. See here.
#ibmypInternational Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Programme. See here.
#ibpypInternational Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme. See #pypchat
#ICT4EObsolete. Use #edtech
#ICT4EduWhy waste the characters? Obsolete. Use #edtech
#ihtoc50International House teachers online conference celebrating 50th anniversary
#IOLchatJoin Inside Online Learning for a weekly chat featuring issues related to online education. See here.
#ipadchatname speaks for itself. See here.
#isteInternational Society for Technology in Education. See here.
#iste12used for ISTE 2012 conference
#iTDiInternational Teacher Development Institute. See here.
#JALTThe Japan Association for Language Teaching. See here.
#jed21Jewish Education
#jedchatJewish education chat
#keduObsolete.Doesn’t work very well as some Indonesians are using this for other purposes. I’d suggest using either #kinderchat or #yle.
#KELTchatplatform for ELT in Korea. See here.
#kidlitliteracy for children. See here.
#kinderchatplatform for early childhood educators.
#langchatweekly discussion on topics of interest to language educators (Thursdays 8 p.m. EST). See here.
#lrnchatlearning through social media. See here.
#LTSIGIATEFL learning technologies special interest group. See here.
#mathchatchat platform for mathematics teachers. See here.
#mathsjamplatform for self-confessed maths enthusiasts to share puzzles, games, problems, or just anything they think is cool or interesting.
#mflmodern foreign languages.
also: Music for Life.
#midlevedthe middle grades (6-8). Also #middleschool
#mlearndiscussions on mobile learning. I’d suggest using this rather than the longer #mlearning.
#moocmassive open online course. See here.
#mschatmiddle school teachers chat
#msftpilMicrosoft Partners in Learning. See here.
#musedchatfor music educators. See here.
#mypmiddle years programme. See also #ibmyp
#NATECLANational Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults. (UK) See here
#niedchatchat for those with an interest in Northern Ireland Education.
#ntchatchat for new teachers
#ocwopen courseware
#openeduopen education
#ozedchatchat for educators primarily in Oz or Nz. See here.
#pblchatProject Based Learning. Although there is no set time for the discussion (like #edchat), #pblchat allows educators to share and discuss project based learning resources.
#pdprofessional development. See also #profdev, #cpd, #td
#pegeeksfor those in physical education
#PGCEPostgraduate Certificate in Education
#plnpersonal/professional/passionate learning network
#prekpre-school. Not sure how much this is used. See #kinderchat, #yle
#Project366related to Project366. An image a day for the whole year (2012). See here.
#profdevprofessional development. See also #cpd, #td, #pd
#pypchatchat platform for the primary years programme. See here. See also #ibpyp.
#qldeltplatform for ELT in Queensland, Australia
#RPsigreflective practice special interest group in Korea (hopefully someday around the world). See here.
#RSCONReform Symposium
#scichatfor science teachers. See here.
#SigTCinformation for SigTC, which is the special interest group for Tech Coordinators associated w/ ISTE
#Slide2Learnplatform for tweets about iPad, iPhone and iPod in education. See here. See also #mlearn & #edtech.
#SLPeepsfor speech language pathologists.
#smsocial media.
#smchatsocial media chat. See here.
#smeduWhy not just use #smchat?
#specedspecial education. See also #spedchat.
#spnchatall about successful practices in education and education reform, every Tuesday.
#spedchatspecial education chat. See here.
#stm12StudentsMeet – webinars run by students for students
#TalkTechparticipants share articles and ideas on learning technology Thursdays from 3 to 3:30 pm EST.
#TDTeacher development. See also: #profdev, #cpd, #pd.
#TDSIGIATEFL Teacher Development Special Interest Group (TDSIG). See here.
#teachchatlearn about the latest in classrooms from other teachers, Wednesday evenings at 9 pm EST.
#TeachingEnglishresources via the British Council. See here.
#TeachMeetTeach Meet International. See here.
#TEFLTeaching English as a foreign language
#TESOLTeachers of English to speakers of other languages
Teachers of English as a Second Language Association
#tesolgeekhashtag for those that want to “confess” geeky things they’ve done related to TESOL
#TIAEBrasillearning technologies in Brazil (English/Portuguese)
#tichatOn Thursdays at 8pm EST, tech-savvy educators discuss the latest in educational technology.
#tlchattwitter for librarians
#TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language
#TOEICTest of English for International Communication
#TTTeacher Tuesday. Used for recommending teachers worth following. Used on Tuesdays. See #FF
#ttotnot exactly an educational hashtag, but one which is related ;-) Travel talk on Twitter. See here.
#twinglishfor learners of English
#ukedchatas the tag implies, educational chat centred more on UK. See here.
#urbanedall about making urban education work, hosted every first and third Sunday of the month at 9pm EST.
#vicplnResources hared by educators in Victoria, Australia
#vlangVirtual Language Learning
#VocEdvocational education
#vrtVirtual Round Table. See here.
#vrtwebconVirtual round table conference. See above.
#webheadsWebheads – Community of Practice
#yleyoung learners

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