October is Computer Learning Month!

Computer Learning Month

Explore the amazing possibilities during Computer Learning Month.
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Media in This Playlist Includes (9 Objects)

Who Invented The Computer?

Who invented the computer? The answer may surprise you.
Link, 04:55

Printing New Skin

How ink jet cartridges are saving lives.
Video, 03:55

Question Your World: 3-D Bio Printers

Modern day printers are pushing the limits of both technology and biological research. 
So, can they print organs yet?
Video, 01:00

A Flock of Robots

Engineers teach teams of robots to communicate.
Video, 04:40

Robot Birds Pt. 2

Computers fly tiny aircraft in a micro aviary.
Video, 04:15

Blueprint for the Brain

Discover how scientists are using computer simulations to explore the shape of every 
one of the billions of nerve cells that make up our brains.
Link, 05:10

Light Stage

Amazing avatars worthy of the Army, and Hollywood.
Video, 04:16

Virtual Human

Blurring the barrier between reality and virtual environments.
Video, 04:25

Virtual Reality Careers

Virtual reality is about video gaming and much more. Students will learn how computers 
can create virtual reality environments, including 3D simulations. Included are career options 
in virtual reality skills needed to pursue this career field.
Link, 07:35

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